Friday, March 8, 2013

Finish it Friday!

I am hereby declaring Friday to be "Finish it!" day. Every week I'm going to try to dedicate any studio time I get to finishing something I've already started. I have a stack of "could be/would be" projects, and they need to get knocked off. Henceforth, Fridays are days I cannot start anything new, unless I have no "cb/wb" things laying around.

Why do crafters and artists seem to have such a bad habit of procrastinating finishing things? There seem to be two kinds, too: those that procrastinate starting, and those that procrastinate finishing. I, sadly, am both. I hate to start, because I fear that I'll find something (a fabric, yarn, whatever) that I like better for the project, or I'm scared of how complex it is, or... there are a million reasons I won't start a project. The biggest, however, is probably the fear of messing it up and losing those supplies, and not having anything to show for my work. It's also part of having been so poor for so many years, I'm afraid of using up and running out of supplies, and not having any money to buy more. It's something I'm working on, though! My  poor husband always tells me he doesn't really care what I spend on my work, but he'd really love to see some finished projects coming out of the studio instead of supplies just going in and staying!

So, do you procrastinate? If you do, what kind are you? How does it manifest? Tell me. Also, if you are one of those amazing "start and finish in a timely fashion people", brag a little and let the rest of us in on your secrets.

1 comment:

  1. I am a collector of all things hobby related and then I save them for just that "right moment" when I'm going to start. And I save them...and I save them...and I save you get the picture. I have golden intentions, but a tin foil attention span. I need to get started on SO many things that I'm collecting. it's not even funny.
