Saturday, February 23, 2013

Weekend work

Last night I finished up a pillowcase I'd started for my son (skulls, of course!) and a dice bag for him. I bought him his first set of gaming dice for Christmas, and he needed a decent-sized bag.

Today I've spent mostly cleaning house, but tomorrow my goal is to get some sewing done. I want to make a stack of tarot deck bags, if I can find something good to line them with. I need some for my decks, and I want some to sell in April. I'm not exactly sure what pattern I'm going to use, but I have some ideas in my head.

I have so much to do in my art studio, but at least I can sew at the moment. What needs to happen is 30-60 minutes a day in there, sorting and re-arranging until I have more space, and more of my supplies unpacked. At some point I will have to trade, sell or give away a lot of things I just simply don't need or use anymore. That will be a horrible project, but it has to get done!

I hope you are all having a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New projects

After a lovely weekend away with my family at a convention where there was a LOT of wonderful art and craft for sale, I find myself reacquainted with the concept of the ear cuff. Trying to figure out in my head how I could make ear cuffs myself got me thinking about wire work, and wire work got me thinking about a tool I had years ago. I discovered that the tool still exists, and exists in a variety of brand new and wonderful ways. Naturally I ordered one almost immediately and I've already spent some time fiddling with it, and excavating other gadgets and supplies from my not-quite-in-useful-order art studio.

The tool I'm talking about is a WigJig, a nifty wire-working tool that allows for all sorts of wire exploration. I ordered a Centaur, which is (obviously) an amalgam of two different types of jigs, that will offer me a lot of possibilities. I've been researching wire options and other things, and I hope to have a few items to put out for sale at a convention in Ontario in a few months.

I'm also working on plans for table space at a few different conventions we go to, where I can put out jewelry and other things I make as well as do tarot readings. I may be joined by a few other artists and a rune reader. Exciting plans afoot!

Meanwhile, this evening I finished up work on a brooch with a polymer clay cabochon.

I still have to finish the back with leather and add a pinback with a bail, so it can be a pendant as well as a brooch.