Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tools from the trash

While we're talking about tools, what is something you use regularly and would probably just trash/recycle when done with that you save and use in your polyclay work? I have many, but in sorting through my stuff as I clean & redo my studio, I came across a bag of something that inspired me to post this.

Pop bottle caps.

I realized a long time ago that they are perfect for mixing liquid clay with small amounts of powders for colored TLS, or mixing powders together to make different shades, or doing just about anything that needs to be contained in a small space and can just be tossed or rinsed out when you are done.

I try to grab lids of all sorts, but mostly plastic caps from pop bottles, since they are deep and recyclable.
Here is one with some gold TLS in it. I actually make this and black TLS up in larger bottles, but I just squeezed a bit out in here to dip my brush in.

So, your turn. What's something you'd normally dispose of that you use regularly with your clay?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Super Sculpey to the rescue.

So, my amazingly talented friend ColtPixy blogged about her favorite new tool. I have used it before, but not recently, so naturally I had to grab a 40% off coupon and trot over to Michael's to get some more, because results like that I NEED!

I already sliced off a hunk and started using it in my pasta machine(s). I say machine plural because I have three out and able to use (although only room to clamp one down at the moment), and I'm pretty sure I have a fourth somewhere. The real test is going to be using it after red, which tends to be so heavily saturated that it bleeds onto and -stays- on everything.

Super Sculpey is wonderful stuff. I wouldn't personally use it to make anything to sell, but I've used it for years to make tools, stamps, and molds when I don't have access to the really good two-part stuff. I recommend always having on hand a box of it, and the plain old Sculpey Oven Bake Clay (white, but not pure white like the small packages). I use that to make armatures and many other things. I will eventually blog about using clay to create useful items for the clay table, so stay tuned!