Saturday, September 5, 2009

Back in the studio

After suffering for quite some time with tendinitis in my shoulder & wrist, I finally reached the point that I had to take action. I saw the ortho on Tuesday and received cortisone shots in my wrist & shoulder. I'm still sore from them, but there is also tremendous relief. I think in a few days I'll be right as rain. I'm taking it easy, but spending a little time in the studio to celebrate!

Right now I'm working on a couple Sooper Sekrit Projects that have been rolling around in my brain while I've been on the "Disabled List", and also working on a project for my wonderful & supportive guild, Polymer Clay Smooshers.

I hope to have a lot more items in my shop by the first of October, and am already working on a couple blog entries about some techniques and concepts.

It's nice to feel like working again!