Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting ready for some changes

So far for me 2011 is FIRED - there's been a lot of turmoil and negative stuff going down. I haven't had a chance to be very creative, and one big reason is that my studio is a junk room. I am trying to get into a position where I can start clearing it out and using it again. My positive affirmation today says "I am in the process of making positive changes in all areas of my life", and that's exactly what I'm doing.

I want to give a shout out to my bestie, Darla. She's agreed to be a beta tester, checking out my ideas and new items, and giving prototypes a look over. I've needed a critical eye, someone who has a good artistic sense. Thank you, Darla, I have yet to really put you to work, but you just wait!

I am thinking about a bit of change in direction with my art. My thought is to go more toward the spiritual side. I've been doing things of that nature for a while, although not many of the items are up for sale yet. Keep an eye out, there will be more things on the way in the near (I hope) future.

Any thoughts you have would be appreciated - I love input from my friends & fellow artists.


  1. Hey, that's ME!!! heheheh I'm glad to help you out, love being the Beta female. lol Your talent is awesome, can't wait to see what you crank out

  2. How 'bout this: If 2011 has been a bust thus far, think of it as all the crap has been gotten out of the way for the year and there's nothing but joyous frolickry, good fortune and vibes of joy coming head on.

    Nice thought.

    Love, Rupe
