Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tools from the trash

While we're talking about tools, what is something you use regularly and would probably just trash/recycle when done with that you save and use in your polyclay work? I have many, but in sorting through my stuff as I clean & redo my studio, I came across a bag of something that inspired me to post this.

Pop bottle caps.

I realized a long time ago that they are perfect for mixing liquid clay with small amounts of powders for colored TLS, or mixing powders together to make different shades, or doing just about anything that needs to be contained in a small space and can just be tossed or rinsed out when you are done.

I try to grab lids of all sorts, but mostly plastic caps from pop bottles, since they are deep and recyclable.
Here is one with some gold TLS in it. I actually make this and black TLS up in larger bottles, but I just squeezed a bit out in here to dip my brush in.

So, your turn. What's something you'd normally dispose of that you use regularly with your clay?

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