Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Sensations!

I have to admit I'm a pretty bad housekeeper. I try, but it gets overwhelming. Mopping is hard for my physically, and I get annoyed by even trying. A few months ago I got a Swiffer Wet Jet and I was really excited about it. The only thing I didn't like was that sometimes things were so messy that I'd go through two or three of the disposable pads trying to get the floors cleaned. I hated that. I'm by no means the world's greenest person, but I try to reduce, reuse and recycle when I can. Luckily there was my friend at MicroMops to the rescue!

That store is amazing. There is everything there... many things that I will buy when I can, because they are all designed to help the desire to be green. I bought a set of four reusable Swiffer pads. They pick up -everything-, and I don't care how gross they get, toss 'em in with a load of towels and they're ready for more duty. I love them!

Right now I'm drooling over the wool dryer balls. I use a set of plastic (rubber? something) nubby balls right now. I love the way things turn out, I love that I can use them with towels (since you shouldn't use fabric softener on them) and I LOVE that I don't have to buy fabric softeners or sheets. However, I don't like the sound they make thumping around. The wool balls aren't supposed to be nearly that noisy, so I can't wait to get some of them.

MicroMops has so many things it's not funny... that shop is amazing to browse. Add to it the fact that Amy is wonderful, sweet and amazing and you've got the best combo - good products, good prices, and fantastic customer service. I was very pleased with my experience shopping there, and I will be a repeat customer.

So, get to work reducing, reusing and recycling. MicroMops is one way to help you get there.


  1. Never really liked the swiffer much, mainly due to the consumable aspect. A good steam mop, on the other hand...

  2. Bill (no, that other one)August 14, 2011 at 7:19 AM

    Most of our house is tiled, so like Aaron, I get my mileage out of a good steam mop. The terrycloth steamer heads go in the washer, so the only consumable is the water.

  3. I have wanted a steam mop. I have a handheld steam cleaner that I LOVE. I bet MicroMops has covers for steam mops and cleaners, too.

  4. I am slightly domestically challenged as well. At least where cleaning and organizing is concerned. I'd much rather install a new fixture or paint something!

  5. Thank you so much for the review!!! :) We have not done much in the way of terry due to the cost it would be to provide a quality terry cloth would be quite costly in pads. However, I am open to trying just about anything! If anyone has something they want to try reusable pads for, I'd be more than happy to experiment! They just need to drop me a line at and let me know what they have!! :) Don't forget you can refill your Swiffer bottles!! Instructions are also on my site under Freebies and PIFS :) Thank you so much!! :)
