Sunday, October 2, 2011
Granny Squares!
Apparently at All Free Crochet they are having a giveaway for what looks like a completely fun and exciting book on Granny Squares, appropriately called Granny Square Love. Quick, go to that link to enter, the last day is October 5.
Even if I don't win it, it's going on my wishlist. Fun!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
C.A. Therien
I met Cat at Polymer Clay Central's discussion forums at Delphi, and then in real life after I moved to Chicago. She's in Peoria, and I used to get down there for Clay Days now and then. It's always so good to get together and make art with other artists. Cat is an amazing person, with an amazing family. I've had the luck to meet her husband and several of her kids, and spend quite a bit of time with her eldest daughter who is just downright fabulous.
Just another example of the light, life and talent in the polymer clay community!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Back in the saddle again!!
I am in the middle of redoing my studio so that I can get back to more regular creating. Look for some very new and different items in my shop! Right now I have one commission to finish and a show to plan for in December, plus some items to create for the Interfilk Auction at the Ohio Valley Filk Festival. Plus I just got my son started at all-day first grade! Quite a change from half day kindergarten, but he's loving it. The fact that standing just outside our back gate I can watch him walk to and from the school door helps a lot.
Look for more Sunday Sensations coming up on (hopefully) a more regular basis, and I have some other ideas to hopefully thrill you with. *grin* I hope it's a lovely weekend where you are!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Moving ahead
I think i might have decided what i want to do when i grow up (at 45 it's got to be coming sometime, right?). As i get my artistic and domestic life back in order again i want to start focusing my efforts toward more fiber arts, particularly clothing, bags and other wearable art. I want to continue working with yarn and polymer clay, maybe get back to silk, possibly wool and felting.
If so, you will be seeing more in this blog. We shall see.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Getting ready for some changes
I want to give a shout out to my bestie, Darla. She's agreed to be a beta tester, checking out my ideas and new items, and giving prototypes a look over. I've needed a critical eye, someone who has a good artistic sense. Thank you, Darla, I have yet to really put you to work, but you just wait!
I am thinking about a bit of change in direction with my art. My thought is to go more toward the spiritual side. I've been doing things of that nature for a while, although not many of the items are up for sale yet. Keep an eye out, there will be more things on the way in the near (I hope) future.
Any thoughts you have would be appreciated - I love input from my friends & fellow artists.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday Sensations!
That store is amazing. There is everything there... many things that I will buy when I can, because they are all designed to help the desire to be green. I bought a set of four reusable Swiffer pads. They pick up -everything-, and I don't care how gross they get, toss 'em in with a load of towels and they're ready for more duty. I love them!
Right now I'm drooling over the wool dryer balls. I use a set of plastic (rubber? something) nubby balls right now. I love the way things turn out, I love that I can use them with towels (since you shouldn't use fabric softener on them) and I LOVE that I don't have to buy fabric softeners or sheets. However, I don't like the sound they make thumping around. The wool balls aren't supposed to be nearly that noisy, so I can't wait to get some of them.
MicroMops has so many things it's not funny... that shop is amazing to browse. Add to it the fact that Amy is wonderful, sweet and amazing and you've got the best combo - good products, good prices, and fantastic customer service. I was very pleased with my experience shopping there, and I will be a repeat customer.
So, get to work reducing, reusing and recycling. MicroMops is one way to help you get there.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sunday Sensations!
I think my favorite part is that each bomb comes in two half domes. I've had other bath bombs that are gigantic and although they are lovely, it seems like a waste. When they come in two halves I get two wonderful baths, or I could use both if I want to.
Michelle has a ton of different wonderful smells, all of which I hope to try as I can. I have to be careful though, she's one of those studios I could spend way too much time and money in! Michelle is also an incredibly sweet person who I feel honored to know and spend time with online. I'm blessed by her presence, and her wonderful products.
Monkey Farts for sale!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Long time no see...
My plan is to reopen my studio in a few days and start adding new items to it over the next week or so. I have new ideas that I hope to put into play within the next month and get into my shop as soon as possible. I'm also planning some destashing on eBay as I excavate the studio.
Hopefully these are all things to look forward to! I know I am excited to get back into the swing of things.
Monday, June 6, 2011
More crochet

I found the perfect yarn for the cow. It is a narrow mercerized cotton that should be wonderful to feel when worked up.
The slug is stuffed and closed, I just need to make an eye I like and figure out how to make the tentacles. Her birthday was the 31st, hopefully she'll have it before the end of June.
Have several cotton skeins to make more summer caps for L. I want to finish at least one of those before I start the cow.
Location : 458-498 E Main St, West Plains, MO 65775,
Posted via Blogaway
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Besides that I got Crochet Patterns for Dummies and am waiting on Learn to Crochet Visually. Whee! I'm going to finish the present I'm working on for my sister, and then I have another present to make - Cameron the Cow. I just need to pick out the yarn for that.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Magic Ring
I've spent a lot of today surfing Magic Ring/Circle/Loop videos on You Tube. I still can't get it to finish right. I will keep trying until I get it, because I really need to start the Brain Slug pattern for my sister. Her birthday is May 31, and I'll be back home where she is the 27th (or around there), so it needs to get -finished-. I have the yarn, so it's just about learning to make that top part right.
After I get her Slug done I'm going to start another hat for L., and then a manta ray. I'm also trying to track down the maker of a Bender Hat pattern so I can buy that - it is for my sister, but I'm sure it will end up a Christmas present.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Well, crap.
I made a hat for my friend L. I was so proud of how it turned out, and she loved it. I set out to make another and tried a larger hook. Bzzzzt. It's way too big! *sigh* I'm moving back to a smaller hook and will try it again. I wasn't as thrilled with the colorway (Sugar 'n Cream Twists: Cottage) anyway... so I'll start again with Twists: Lava Lamp. I love the Twists, I want to do something with every one.
I also started a shrug for myself out of some acrylic I got on sale... it's nice and soft (yes, I'm fine with non-natural fibers, provided they feel good, wear well, and clean nicely). If the pattern works as I've altered it, I'll try it again with nicer yarn. The pattern calls for Bernat Bamboo, which is my latest Object of Lust, so I might give that a whirl.
So disappointed about the hat!! *sigh* I won't frog it, I'll find someone it fits... but it still gripes me.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Just Fiber
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sunday Sensations - ColtPixy!
My Mom is the most amazing lady around, and she loves jewelry. She's usually seen wearing one striking piece, sometimes a strand of beads, sometimes a single focal. She loves color, and she always looks gorgeous. I fell in love with ColtPixy's Pixy Stones, and got one for my Mother for Christmas.
Mom was just blown away by how lovely it is, and immediately modeled for me. She loves it, and wears it often!
ColtPixy then started doing something that is so cute and so adorable it's not even funny... the Bunny Butts (as we Plurky folks affectionately call them). Her Lucky Bunny Charms are done with an amazing technique (one of my favorites) called Mica Shift. The bunny looks raised, but the piece is completely smooth to the touch. It's hard work, and ColtPixy pulls it off beautifully. I found an orange one in her shop and it had to be mine.
An example of ColtPixy's wonderful business ethic is that, when mine didn't show up way past the time it should have, she immediately shipped me another one. When the first one arrived almost immediately after, she refused to let me pay her for both. I now have two gorgeous bunny butts and am percolating ideas to create a piece of jewelry I can wear often to showcase them both.
Her items always arrive beautifully packaged. It's a joy to do business with this lady, and I'm incredibly glad (and lucky!) that she's both my friend and my guildmaster. You can find her online at her shop, on Facebook with the Smooshers, and at the Smoosher's blog. I highly recommend checking out all three!
My Artfire Blog
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sunday Sensations!
My Plurk Buddy MzzThang is awesome. She's Fo-Shizzle Designs where you can see all sorts of fabulous things like book thongs, recycled eyeglass necklaces, hair accessories and some really cool chainmail. She is also Earth Wind and Artfire destash shop, which is where I made my purchase. Actually a bunch of really fabulous purchases, including some amazing wild magnetic pink beads that I'm making a necklace for myself from, curved flat connectors that I've made some awesome earrings from and another couple lovely bits that you'll probably see in my shop soon. Everything was gorgeous, just as advertised, shipped fast and packaged beautifully. I love it when I find excellent people to do business with.
Friday, March 4, 2011
You all might not know that I'm a closet greeting card maker. After I get my studio re-fabbed I plan to start bringing some of my cards to my shop. I love everything that has to do with paper crafts, including (of course) rubber stamps. Over at FaveCrafts I found a contest you can enter by blogging (like me!) or tweeting. It's for a really nifty gadget that lets you put your rubber stamps into a scene and stamp them altogether. It's called the Stamp Factory by Fiskars. I know I want one!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
And remember, if you buy more than one item, everything ships together for the same price!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
So much to learn!
I am adding some interesting things to my gundowerks shop soon - some Reiki inspired pendants. I also plan to redo all my shop sections, so keep an eye out for changes!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Round and about the 'net
I've listed three new hearts for Valentines Day and soon I'll be listing my first entry to the Polymer Clay Smooshers "fairy tale" challenge, so keep tuned for that. I will also be listing a lot of hair barrettes and pony tail barrettes at Sassy Chic, so keep an eye out there as well.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Weekend Linky Bits!
Deb of Chrysallis Creations listed this gorgeous pair of earrings - wow! Aren't they beautiful? I love the way the wire moves. Not that I'm a huge fan of Deb's work or anything (*grin* okay, yes I am!!), but she won my heart with these jadeite earrings. Honestly, I -want- these!
I cannot say enough about ColtPixy's work. She's moved into a really cool groove lately, covering bottles, and I'm just in love with them. This Green Fern wish bottle is so delicate and lovely, and this Jester wish bottle looks like candy! Yum.
Serenity Grove does some of the prettiest chainmaille I've seen in a long time. This Faerie Halo Choker is just gorgeous! Her shop is full of wonderful things like this Spotted Butterfly Magnet. She also has yummy looking body care products. Mmmm.
My latest creation
Thursday, January 6, 2011
A new shop!
In the future I'll be featuring fun badges, spinners, cute jewelry and all kinds of things. Keep your eye out for some Sassy stuff!