In 2000 my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. We were lucky, it was caught extremely early. She had a wedge mastectomy and has been cancer free since then. She was 74 when it was diagnosed, and at 83 she's still very healthy and doing well. A few health issues since the cancer, but she's weathered them like the strong, beautiful lady she is.
Since then I've done what I can to promote awareness of the fight against breast cancer, and when my husband's beloved Aunt passed away from it a few years ago it reinforced our desire to help get women tested early, treated and healed. To that end I've decided to create a new category in my shop called "Breast Cancer Awareness". I'll regularly add pinkful items made with the struggle in mind. Anytime you purchase one or more of these items, I will donate 10% of your entire order to the Ozarks Medical Center Cancer Center in West Plains, Missouri, where my mother was treated and cured.
It might be a small thing, but it's something tangible and real that I can do in thanks for my Mom's survival, and to help other people's Moms, daughters, sisters, fathers, sons and friends be treated and survive. Remember that breast cancer is not just a women's issue - many men are afflicted with the same disease, and they often do not get diagnosed and treated in time.